Ralph Campbell Lounge, University of Toronto Scarborough
  • March 19, 2017 - 12 – 5 pm

Black Lunch Table Roundtable Recording Sessions

Heather Hart faciliated two roundtable recording sessions, creating space for critical dialogue on topics directly affecting communities of colour.

Session one (12 - 1:30 pm) was open to visual artists and arts workers of the African diaspora. Taking the lunchroom phenomenon as its starting point, BLT seeks to reify the visibility of connections and dialogue that exists between contemporary Black artists. This session focused on the gathering of collective histories. Lunch provided.

Session two (3 - 4:30 pm) was open to everyone.Imagining the lunch table as a discursive site where social connections are made, organizing is planned, social hierarchies revealed, and power dynamics are played out, this session offered focused conversations on the socio-political issues that exist within the local community, while also laying out new productive relationships to continue the movement for dismantling institutional racism. Light food provided.